RZVN Wehr GmbH


To download ROKA³, enter the Download Key you received in the input field and press the Submit button. With valid input, the buttons for downloading become activatable.

Depending on the browser you are using, choose to download the setup program as *.exe or as *.zip file. After downloading, please note that a *.zip file must be unpacked before using.

The included demo networks can be used without a valid license. To permanently save changes to the demo networks, a trial license is required.

If you need an older version of ROKA³, or licensed a module, please contact us

ROKA³ Versions

  • Selected variant can be exported as base variant into a new network model.
  • Functions for altitude retrieval and interpolation added.
  • Object groups can be selected in the lasso tool.
  • Network model can be extended to include selectable manufacturer pipe types.
  • Pressure curve diagram and temperature curve diagram for district heating networks added.
  • District heating objects expanded to include pressure maintenance types and pressure control nodes.
  • Forecast and consideration of heat losses in the district heating operation case manager.
  • Data values of imported curves are displayed in the object browser.
  • Calculation warning if nominal pressure is exceeded.
  • Plot tiles can be filtered by selection.
  • Initial status for demands in the switching actions added.
  • Performance improvements in the operating case manager.
  • Correction of the mass flow result for district heating power input with closed feed pipe.
  • Reduction of question messages when view option is unsaved.
  • Synchronization of demand and input value when calorific value specification is set by input.
  • LoadCurveimport uses meter number as identification key.
  • Error in the filter function of the object browser corrected.
  • Multiple improvements in the module GIS Import.
  • Enhancements in the module RIKA.
  • Added optional pressure control node to the objects input, valve and extra demand.
  • Shape-/Geojson-import: Smoothing of line geometries possible.
  • PE and PVC standard pipe types water extended.
  • Current total demand value considers demand pattern in the viewing.
  • Display of gas and water pressure zone results additionally as object browser list.
  • Buttons for time step selection extended.
  • Plot legend variables simulation date and simulation time added.
  • Pressure zone hydraulics report takes into account unset pressure setting.
  • Acceleration of the district heating calculation in the off-load case.
  • New function: Create pipe from graphic selection via context menu.
  • Add line tool in District Heating creates missing nodes.
  • Display problem in the operation case manager fixed.
  • New diagrams available in RIKA module.
  • New tool 'Add trail' added in City module.
  • Buildings can be connected to trails in the City module.
  • Pump curves with partial sections without gradient can be used.
  • Error correction when setting the pressure zone reference node in district heating.
  • Zoom with active move tool revised.
  • Shape import smoothes line geometry.
  • Internal chart library updated.
  • Improved progress bar.
  • Color modulation supports object attribute color.
  • Kinematic viscosity changed from 20°C to 0°C for new gas networks.
  • Error corrected when using switching instruction for extra demand gas.
  • Improved object selection in graphic window.
  • Demandgroup factors in Operationcase Manager are configurable per Operationcase.
  • Actions for specific valve types are possible.
  • Pumps may be added in District Heating networks.
  • Cold input and cold demand may be set in actions.
  • Bypass input unit type in District Heating.
  • Improvements for network export.
  • Fix for wrong number display.
  • Improvements in the modules RIKA and Dynamic Import.
  • Added new web service BaseMap (color, grayscale, elevation shading).
  • Revision of status window with icons, labels and rule effects.
  • Template attributes are displayed in the tooltip of the template tool.
  • Display order of operation cases affects calculation order.
  • New attribute "area" for rectangle, circle and polygon.
  • Minimum of district heating catch radius reduced from 1 meter to 1 centimeter.
  • GoogleApiKey for height and location queries adjustable in program settings.
  • Backup file is not created for network file sizes over 1 GByte.
  • Report detail view during import shows more information.
  • Bug fixes in lasso tool, color modulation, operation case manager and demand manager.
  • Corrected labeling in heat exchanger.
  • Fixed bug in Pdf output for large files.
  • Extension of topology tools (topology check and topology cleanup).
  • Improvements in the modules RIKA, Quenchwater, GIS-Import and Scripting.
  • Operationcase Editor and -generator have been replaced by Operationcase Manager.
  • Demand Manager to efficiently edit Demand Groups and Load Profiles.
  • Comfortable Temperature-, Load and Feed Curve import with the new Curve Importer.
  • Fixed missing categories in View-Dropdown menu in Object Browser.
  • Transient District Heating calculation considers actions for feeds and heat exchanger.
  • Extended Pipe Type Material Groups by Fabric.
  • Last Row in Browser is always completely displayed.
  • Axis descriptions in reports are not cut anymore.
  • Added sum of power to gas node.
  • Demandgroups of district heating networks consider demand pattern.
  • Demandreport Pressurezone Hydraulics shows loads in return flow.
  • Fixed an error when creating a switching instruction for pumps.
  • Migration to dotNet 6.0 (from Version
  • Improved support for distributed installation environments.
  • Program interface uses the operating system specific color scheme.
  • Operations for district heating objects and demand group patterns extended.
  • District heating pipes additionally display temperature values.
  • Consideration of gas properties of reservoirs can be activated in the network options.
  • Colormodulation for line and text objects extended.
  • Added label spacing for polygon objects.
  • Pressureflow diagrams via automatic or user specific pipe selection.
  • Alphabetic order for PipeType selection in Editor and Browser
  • Flowthrough tanks are now considered in Actions
  • Fixes projection and codpage in shape export.
  • Improved plotting performance for areas without view setting.
  • Plotting web maps with different scales.
  • Preserve window size when unpinning windows.
  • Improved usability with unpinned windows.
  • Operationcases and Patterns are now able to have a timespan up to 999 days
  • Lasso tools default mode is "overlap".
  • Improved dark mode.
  • Migration to dotNet 5.0. (from Version
  • New gui design and support for dark mode.
  • New color modulation wizard with color palette and sorting order.
  • New database migration wizard with support for modules.
  • New vector export with support for GeoJSON and reprojection.
  • Selectable events in status window.
  • Report pipe statistic with correct bar chart.
  • Number format of the user defined properties controls the display of decimal places.
  • Bugfix: Unloaded vector layers cannot be deleted anymore.
  • Displaying log files in backstage area.
  • Go to Coordinate with scale.
  • "Selection via geometries" function can select demands.
  • Improvements in the installer (Setup.exe)
  • Improved handling of incompatible modules.
  • Bug fixes in switching the calorific calculation mode.
  • Extension of the "Selection via geometries" function.
  • Improvements in calorific calculation mode.
  • Bug fixes in the naming of vector layers.
  • Fixes status display for Webmaps in Plotmanager.
  • Calculate all Operationcases - Settings for each operationcase are properly considered.
  • Consistent dynamic tank results.
  • Added net option for additional calorific calculation mode.
  • Calorific set and result properties in feeds, nodes, pipes and demands.
  • Additional web maps entry for Luxemburg.
  • Netobjects are selectable via CAD object.
  • Update Demandbalance report after change for overall factor.
  • Bugfixes in Shape- and Epanet-Exporter.
  • Bugfixes for misplaced Plottiles.
  • Color Modulation supports Categories.
  • More attributes available to label graphic objects.
  • Improvement of World Resizer.
  • Display length of district heating pipes.
  • Support for the satellite view of Switzerland.
  • Additional Tooltips in Operation Case Generator.
  • Support for english language.